Extra Oz shots
This blog is primarily a travelogue. I am retired from the National Weather Service and on the road as much as possible! Though I have done a lot of traveling, there are still many places I haven't been. I'm still missing five US states and, though I've been to Europe four times, that's not nearly enough. And then there are the islands of the South Pacific. And though I've been to Australia eight times, with four visits to New Zealand, it's always great to go back there.
The Old Sloat has an announcement. Are you sitting down?? I am finally tired...at least a little tired...of traveling!! I did the math and, having been retired exactly 15 months as of today...December 15...I have spent 275 nights away from home and 180 at home in Monterey, meaning I have been on the road 61 percent of the time! I have enjoyed it thoroughly and look forward to many future trips, but for the next several months I reckon I won't be venturing too far afield. I'll visit friends and probably take a few short jaunts, but I reckon I'll spend at least 61 percent of the time at home thru at least February. I'll probably start wandering again next spring.
This is the Balonne River running thru St George, Queensland, about 500 km W of Brisbane. St George is a nice, friendly town, very quiet with a nice waterfront park along the river. Small, but just big enough to have the modcons. I liked it there.
The sea was a deep aquamarine, with offshore islands containing Aboriginal archaeological sites. The color contrast was very fine. Australia is filled with beaches like this; elemental, vast, gorgeous, and virtually deserted. While I enjoy exploring the rainforest, going out bush, and enjoying the city lifestyle, Oz for me is really all about the beaches. I realized that more on this trip than on previous visits. If you're a beach person, Australia is easily the best place in the world!!
It's rounding into summer down under, and almost every day clouds build up over the Great Dividing Range to the west of the New South Wales coast. Some days they stay over the mountains; on others, they move toward the ocean and we get thunderstorms at the beach. Either way, they add drama to the scene.