Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Smoky Cape Roos

Finding kangaroos in Australia is more problematical than many people might think. You can drive for days without seeing any; they're primarily nocturnal animals, coming out at dawn and dusk and darting across the highways at night; out bush you see lots of dead ones beside the road. They do hang out during the day in some areas, but they're rather selective. I've seen lots of them at a couple coastal caravan parks, and in a couple neighborhoods. Here, they're at Smoky Cape on the New South Wales coast, about halfway between Sydney and Brisbane, right by a beach in a national park. But you kinda have to know where to look to see 'roos. This group, in the park, are not really tame; they're watching me as I slowly approach them in their picnic ground hangout. Now in the caravan parks it's a different story. I've had them come up and bludge for food and have hand fed them in that setting.


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