Saturday, December 01, 2007

Out Bush Headin' for Bourke

I'm finally blogging again! I've tended to stay in out of the way, non conventional places during my trip to Oz, and none of these spots have WiFi! I've just discovered that my spot here in a Big 4 caravan park does...this is my third night here. Anyway, I will gradually catch up on my blog over the next few weeks as the wireless connections permit. A couple weeks ago I went out bush...500 km and more to the west of Brisbane into the outback. Here's a road sign in St George, a friendly, tidy town in the Queensland bush. Many of the place names are aboriginal, and they kind of roll off the tongue. Settlements are far apart...on a 550 km journey from St George to Bourke I went thru two bonafide towns and a couple other wide spots in the road.

Here's a shot of the Balonne Highway, heading west of St George, which itself is 500 km west of Brisbane. We're heading toward Cunnamulla. There are quite a few stations (ranches) off the highway, but almost no real in the 300 km between St George and Cunnamulla. Just out of curiosity, I did a survey and in 100 km...62 miles...I encountered 18 cars going in the opposite direction, while being passed once and passing one other car. It's quite relaxing to drive without the traffic hassles.

There are certain rules of the road out bush. Emus have the right of way! Here mum and her five chicks were crossing, so I stopped...with no traffic, no worries. Another courtesy is that whenever you pass another vehicle going in the opposite direction, you raise your index finger off the steering wheel as a greeting. Folks are scarce hereabouts, so we all like to bond a little.


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