Sunday, February 08, 2015

Finally, a Storm

After over a month with no rain, a storm finally came ashore last week.  The process began on Wednesday, when the surf rose, wind increased, and clouds moved in at Salt Point SP in Sonoma county.  No rain yet, though.
A coastal trail at Salt Point is a good spot for surf viewing.
This tree ring caught my eye.  Blow up the pic...right along the coast the trees all tilt toward the south.  Rings are very narrow on the windward side of the tree (upper right in this pic) and really wide on the leeward side.  In this case it appears the tree even enveloped a sapling to leeward of the main trunk.
And here is the type of tree that produces the rings seen above.  North (windward) is to the left.  Northerlies prevail on the coast, though on this particular day, with a storm approaching, the breezes were southerly.
Blow up this pic for a better view of the sloats and seagulls at the mouth of the Russian River near Jenner.
Though it was dry in January, heavy December rains left the Sonoma countryside emerald green.  The cows are contented.  Since this pic was taken three days ago, this area near Petaluma has had 3-5 inches of rain, so it will stay green for awhile.
Stormy seas at Moss Beach.
Last Friday the winds were blowing about 30 mph on the San Mateo coast near Pescadero, chopping spray off the tops of the waves.
Stormy seascape near Pescadero.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Winter Sojourn on the North Coast

I've been residing on the coast north of Monterey for awhile.  The winter weather has been very mild, yet the surf is fairly large and dynamic.  A nice combination.  Here, near Point Arena, I found a low lying fog bank.
Walk on Beach at The Sea Ranch.
Afternoon winter light almost makes the sea translucent.
Near sundown.  The old fence is a remnant from the time when Sea Ranch was actually...a ranch.
Swells rolling ashore.  Storm coming.
This picture was taken a week or so earlier than the others.  Fine mackerel sky in Monterey.
Fine late January day at Pigeon Point.
This streambed in Armstrong Redwoods SP should NOT be dry in January.  And it's only a few miles from Cazadero, the wettest spot in the entire SF Bay Area.  This pic was taken on January 29; today, Feb 6, the rain is pouring down and the stream has undoubtedly revived.
Harbor sloats hangin' at Sea Ranch.
The epitome of gnarliness.
This driftwood is a long way inland...and up...from the sea.  An indicator of terrific storms that rake the coast now and then.