Springtime in Pinnacles
I went to Pinnacles National Monument earlier this week. I go almost every spring...normally this is one of the state's best wildflower spots, but we had a dry winter this year so the flowers are just fair to middlin'. Still, it's very pretty and the rock formations are quite dramatic. This is a prime rock climbing spot, too. There are even caves, though not of your ordinary type; boulders breaking off from the mountainsides as a result of erosion have completely filled narrow gorges in a couple places, leaving open spots underneath the rocks; these are the caves.
This looks like a glacial erratic, but it's simply a boulder that broke off from adjacent cliffs and came to a stop in this particular place.
Though it hasn't been the best flower season, there were still some handsome chinese houses along the trail.
Here are some lichens growing on a rock by the trail. Almost, like, psychedelic, man!