Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Montara mountain

My friend Danny and I hiked a good way up Montara Mountain this morning, near Moss Beach. It was a beautiful clear day and the vistas were spectacular! Here is Montara Beach from partway up the mountain. There are many fine spots along the trail where it would be very nice to sloat out on the grass with wine, cheese, bread, and all the general ingredients for an adult picnic.

There were many fine wildflowers along the route. Here's an Indian Paintbrush...don't believe I've blogged this flower yet.

Later in the day, we ventured down to the fishing fleet at Princeton and bought a couple of live crabs straight off a fishing boat, brought them home, and Spike cooked them up. Delicious! Here's dinner, when the critters were still moving about. Can't get any fresher!


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