Some random Kauai pics. This one is taken just east of Poipu, on the Maha'ulepu Beach trail. The colors in Hawaii are vivid...red dirt, green grass, brown rock, blue sky, deep azure sea.

Heavy southerly swells pound the Poipu shoreline. The kicker here is that I was standing 30-40 feet above the ocean when I took this pic! Earlier in the day a rogue wave swamped Suz and I and deposited a piece of driftwood under her chair. We retreated to the tiki bar at the Hyatt to recuperate.

Strong waves crashing ashore at Poipu.

This is Polihale Beach, at the far western end of Kauai. It's hot, dry,and windy here. 30 years ago I could tolerate those conditions. Not so much now. And the road to the beach is much worse than it was in the '90s! Lots of pothholes...25 years ago it was unpaved, but fairly smooth.

The horizon's a bit off on this pic, but the crepuscular rays of the sunset were nice. This is a viewpoint across the street from our rental house.

Makana Mountain...AKA Bali Hai...from the Princeville golf course.

Secret Beach on the north shore, near Kilauea. A favorite of mine for 35 years. Back then, people used to reside here for months at a time, rarely wearing any clothing. It's a bit tamer now, but still vast and peaceful. Blow this pic up and you can probably see a lighthouse on the tip of the mainland. We'll be journeying there soon.

But first, Secret Beach (Hawaiian name Kauapea) has some hanging gardens. Water percolates out of the cliffs, and ferns and algae thrive.

Now we're at Kilauea Lighthouse, looking in the other direction, toward the west. The strip of sand at center left is Secret Beach.

Closeup shot of the lighthouse.

A wedge tailed shearwater feeds her young'un. These birds nest in dense foliage right next to the road leading to the lighthouse. Even odder, they sound like cats...they meow! Kilauea Point has many fine birds...Laysan albatrosses, frigate birds, red footed boobies, these shearwaters, and more.