I came upon these mountain goats on the Icefields Highway yesterday. For a couple hours they were on the east side of the road at a salt lick, as advertised in the brochures, and tourons had been coming within a few feet of them to take some photos. The goats seemed relaxed; check out the young 'un lounging on the hillside. I took this picture from the other side of the road, on a rise a good 40-50 yards from the goats; a discreet distance, I thought.

Then a tour bus came by, belching diesel fumes and tourons. It was late in the afternoon, and apparently the goats decided they had had enough of tour buses for the day, and instantly about 30 of them galloped across the highway en masse straight toward where I was standing! Now mountain goats ain't grizzly bears when it comes to hostility factor, but they do have sharp horns, and I was nonplussed for a bit; thus I didn't get any video of the stampede which would have been cool. As it was, I edged to my left, and the goats edged to their left, and they missed me by 20-30 feet, after which I took this pic of the ol' goats hangin' right where I had been standing.
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