Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rocky Grandeur

The mountains of the Canadian Rockies are mostly jagged piles of rock. They are for the most part completely wild, and grand. The ice age is not much of a distant memory here; it's still alive and well. It's downright breathtaking being here!
Here are some typical peaks looming over the majestic Athabasca River.

This is Patricia Lake, with mountains looming above. No matter where you are in Jasper, towering peaks are everywhere, on all sides. As the Old Sloat says in such situations, it doesn't suck! By the way, I'm staying right on Patricia Lake. And it doesn't suck. There are dozens of other pics that I could blog. The beauty never ends. I'll do some more later, but you simply have to come here and experience the majesty of the place for yourself!


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