I have reached the northernmost point of my trip, at Lesser Slave Lake. It's above the 55th parallel, about 700 miles from the arctic circle.
It's definitely a little wild and rough hewn here. Most of the vehicles are dirty pickup trucks...except for some (not all) of the main highways, most roads are dirt or gravel. Yesterday I saw a coyote cross the road a few miles out of town with a critter in his mouth...right at dinnertime! Good hunting! And this morning, right in front of my motel in the middle of town, I saw what sure looked like a wolf cross the road. The lake has sandy beaches! It's vast...about 70 miles long and 10-20 miles wide.

Here's a view of the lake from Marten Mountain, about 1000 feet above the water. By the way, this is prime insect season...mid June. Legions of mosquitoes and, near the lake, black flies. However, Deep Woods Off is doing a good job of keeping them at bay. Without repellent, though, I'd quickly be devoured by the rapacious beasts. There are many birds hereabouts but not enough to do away with the insects.
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