Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Spectacular End to 2007

I spent New Years Eve at my friends' Spike and Danny's home overlooking the sea in Moss Beach, between Half Moon Bay and San Francisco. It was a beautiful day, almost completely clear; but late in the afternoon high clouds began to develop in the western sky. The timing was perfect; the result was a magical sunset.

The bases of the high clouds were set alight by the sun, now below our horizon but still shining on the clouds five miles up in the sky.

As the sun dropped farther below the horizon, it continued to illuminate the cirrocumulus clouds that were spreading across the sky. Spike, Danny, and I watched with awe from the deck of their home. It was a true five star sunset!

As evening drew down, the clouds changed from gold to magenta. It was a stunning end to 2007!


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