Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hangin' at the beach on Kauai

I've been in Hawaii the past two weeks, on the island of Kauai to be specific, and was too lazy to take my computer along...A friend who was there with me had his so I was able to keep up with the world, but not to post pictures on my blog. At any rate, Kauai is one of my favorite places on earth...I've been going there since 1980 and have made at least a dozen visits. I always tell people that if I could live anywhere, but couldn't ever leave once I was settled in, I would choose the north shore of Kauai. This is the neighborhood beach in Haena, two miles from the end of the road. It's a typical day as far as crowds are concerned.

Here's a nice shot of Bruno the beach dog. On Haena's beaches you always see beach dogs hanging out, socializing with the people who wander by and with each other. Bruno and I hung out for a while on the sand under a tree, just watchin' the scene. Later my friend Sandy came by with some food which Bruno happily scarfed instantaneously.


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