Monday, September 11, 2017

The Old Alum Returns to Campus

When I visited Dick and Wilma in Puyallup last month, we took the train from Sea-Tac to the UW in's a new service and we decided to avoid the choking traffic and go up the easy way.  Took an hour, but was stress free.  And the lizards came along!  I went swimming here in Drumheller Fountain during a heat wave just before summer break in 1970.  Cool and refreshing!

There have always been fine rose beds at the fountain.

This is relatively new...a sculpture of The Dawg in front of the HUB, the student union building.

Denny Hall, built in 1895.  It's been recently renovated and now looks good for another 100 years.

The Broken Obelisk in Red Square.  The square was built between 1969 and 1971 while I was a student.  It has since rusted to a genteel weathered look, which was the intention.  After our campus tour, we retired to the Northlake Tavern, which still has rich, awesome pizza that tastes the same as it did 45 years ago!  Always delicious.


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