Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I'm hangin' at the Grand Canyon, at least in the vicinity. Actually I'm staying at the Best Western a few miles south of the South Rim. I stay at BWs so often that I occasionally get upgraded to suites. For 80 bucks, I'm currently residing in a huge place almost as large as my townhouse. The bathroom is vast and has a jacuzzi tub and even a bidet! As for the canyon, well, look at it! A foot of snow fell last week and is still mostly in place. I've never been here with more than a dusting of snow on the ground...until now.
This tree is growing on a ledge without any visible means of support for its roots. But somehow, it manages.

The snow, low winter sun, gnarly trees, and the canyon rocks make for unlimited photo ops. There are a lot of tourons at the official lookouts but if you go a couple hundred metres down the Rim Trail, it's quiet and peaceful.

I'm enjoying my winter holiday in northern Arizona! After the big storm last week, the days have been sunny and the 40s and lower 50s, with no wind...actually ideal hiking weather. As for the nights...well, I don't go out. At Tusayan, where I'm currently staying, today's high temperature was 51, after a morning low of ... 6 below? Yup, they have loooong thermometers here. You need a t-shirt and a parka, both of which I have. I love the contrasts of the West. The canyon is only about three hours from the palms and saguaros of Phoenix. It's a different world, within easy reach.

On south facing slopes of the canyon, snow quickly melts. But below the south rim, shade is almost perpetual during the winter and the snow stays for a long time. It creates neat patterns on the canyon walls.


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