Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring in the Great Valley

I cruised up to Sacramento yesterday to visit friends. As I drove north on I-5, I was on a collision course with an approaching cold front. The clouds thickened and a brisk south breeze provided a nice tailwind. It's been a respectable rainy season and the hills are emerald green.
Some orchard trees are still blooming but they're past their prime. But,
natural irrigation is underway to the east of this spot as we approach the front.
Steady rain drummed down in Sacramento yesterday afternoon. But toward dusk, I noticed the sun was shining though it was still raining. I went outside and found this fine double rainbow.
This morning the front was long gone, replaced by clear skies and frost in Sacramento. I headed back south on the interstate, again with a tailwind...this time blowing from the northwest. At the Westley rest area, normally a bleak place, blooming trees and verdant hills made it quite pleasant. Blow up the pic and you can see the triangular sign next to the cherry tree is warning of rattlesnakes in the rest area. Didn't see any today, as temperatures were only in the upper 50s.


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