Monday, February 22, 2010

Coastal Sunsets

There are several historic bridges along highway 101 on the Oregon coast. They were mostly built in the 1930s by Conde McCullough, who had a reputation for constructing fine spans in the Art Deco style. This one spans the Siuslaw River in Florence.

On Sunday I had a fine room at the Fireside Motel in Yachats. As you can see, it's absolute oceanfront! This would be a dramatic spot to hunker down during a winter storm. I'd love to see one from here. Very comfy motel...highly recommended! An exceptionally scenic shoreline trail, the 804, leads to a long beach about a half mile to the north.

Last Saturday, my trip from Eureka to Gold Beach was done under overcast skies all the way... except for a thin break in the clouds near the horizon at sunset. This was the view from my motel room. I always stay at the Gold Beach resort...great value for the view!

Here's the sunset the next day from my balcony at the Fireside Motel in Yachats. Sometimes life sucks, and sometimes it surely doesn't!


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