Monday, December 04, 2006

An Athletic Apparition

This looks like a picture of typical Arizona desert, and in the foreground it is. But if you blow up the picture you'll see a large white structure far in the distance. This is the Arizona Cardinals' new football stadium. The NCAA championship game will be played there next month. Suburban Phoenix is encroaching on the desert with breathtaking speed. I took the picture from White Tank Mountain Regional Park, which is protected from development, but outside the park, it's fair game for the bulldozers. Where the people are going to get water from in the future is a mystery to me.
It would certainly be worth seeing the Ohio State-Florida game, but as for the Cardinals, they usually lose. So if you're over on the west side of the Phoenix area, you can choose between spending 50-100 dollars to watch the football team stink up the place, or you can fork over 5 bucks and enjoy the beauty and peace of the desert inside the park. I reckon the choice is easy for the old sloat!


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