Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A More wintry March Scene

Just a week after I was in Death Valley, I was in the opposite end of the far northwestern corner.  Here the rain pours down; the air is raw and damp; and impromptu waterfalls prevail.

In Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge today, I spotted this bald eagle perched on a pole next to the road.  I used my car as a blind, and was about 30 feet from the eagle when I took his pic through my car's open passenger window.

The refuge has about a million birds in residence during March, mostly ducks and geese.  Some winter here...others are on the way back to the arctic after wintering farther south, often in the central valley.

Mount Shasta looming over a tranquil pond.

White pelicans, accompanied by a grebe.

Many thousands of geese hang out at the wildlife refuge in March.  Most are on their way back to Alaska, the Canadian Arctic, or Wrangel Island in the Russian Arctic.


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