Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Awesone Pismo Day!

Well, today I once again survived the rigors of the California winter. As is the case in most of the country 'bout now, the weather here is less than ideal...too hot and desiccating! 87 degrees with an arid offshore wind. Only thing for it was to head for the beach, alternating with the motel pool for swimming purposes...ocean temps in the 50s as usual. Here's a shot of Avila Beach from out on the pier. It's a quiet, mellow little beach town about 5 miles west of Pismo. Had a pleasant alfresco brekky at Fat Cats prior to the beach gig.

This is Pismo Beach, seen from the cliffs next to my motel. Like Avila, Pismo has a fine pier,
along with a long, wide strip of sand. Pismo reminds me of some of the fine Australian beach towns. It's informal, friendly, all the modcons, and of course has an excellent beach. However...some of the downtown parking spots now charge fees. Zounds! Not all, though...free parking is still fairly abundant a couple blocks off the main drag.

Just a few yards from where the previous pic was taken, the pelicans have a long established rookery on the cliffs. You can see them here every winter. There were several groups of them today...probably over a hundred in all. They swoop down to the ocean to fish, then hang out on the cliffs to enjoy their catch. Actually, if you blow up the previous pic you can see another group of pelicans on the cliff in the foreground.

The end of a fine day, and the lizards and I are chillin' on my balcony enjoying the sunset.


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