Thursday, September 25, 2008

Capitol Reef Rock Art

The rocks in Capitol Reef NP come in all shapes and colors. Roaming around the park, I was blown away by the beauty and variety of the landscape. It's a harsh environment...warm and dry, or cold and dry, usually...except for the odd flash flood. The occasional bit of lush vegetation and the colors of the land provide a nice contrast. This is an example of desert varnish on a canyon wall.

Though the rock comes in many colors here, the predominant hue is RED.

Today, there is a hiking trail in Capitol Gorge. A century ago, this was the main east west route through the Waterpocket Fold; today's route, highway 24, wasn't built until 1962. Some of the pioneers carved their names in the rock. These inscriptions are at least twenty feet above the canyon floor; someone must have had a ladder. Blow up the pic for more detail.


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