Saturday, February 23, 2008

Verdant Death Valley?

This winter has seen adequate or better rainfall across most of California. The area of Death Valley from Furnace Creek north about 10 miles has been especially blessed, because here in late February it's a garden! I guess if you were in say, Sonoma county and saw a field of flowers like this you wouldn't think much of it, but in an area where the annual rainfall is about two inches...against an evaporation rate of 150's almost a miracle!

How many places in the world can you see a wildflower garden with a barren salt pan in the near background, and snow capped mountains rising two miles high in the distance? It is when viewing such scenes that I marvel at my good fortune to be living in California, arguably the most diverse land on the planet.


At 9:23 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

Death Valley rocks!!

(looks like you are getting some spam posts on your blog, Steve. I get many per day that I have to deal with.)


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