Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hangin' at Sanibel

Not too much to report. I'm loafing at a suite at a resort in Sanibel, with a peek at the adjacent Gulf, chilling out. Today I took about a 15 mile bike ride (flat, but into a headwind for the first half) to Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Here I found this posse of white ibis hangin' out, grooming, soaking up the sun, chillin'.

Sanibel was whacked by hurricane Charley in '04 and Wilma in 05. The buildings appear to have all been repaired since then, but you can still see the effects on some of the island's trees, like the ones in the photo. I stayed here once before, about 10-12 years ago at the Caribe Beach Resort. Then, it was nestled in a forest of large trees. Now, all the trees around it are small, most likely a result of the hurricanes.


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